

Drone rescue solutions

Drone rescue solutions

Nov 10, 2020

As extreme weather in my country becomes stronger, heavier and more frequent, the suddenness and abnormality of natural disasters become more and more obvious, the temporal and spatial distribution of disasters varies greatly, the environment is extremely diverse, and the forms are more complex and severe. At present, my country's emergency rescue field urgently needs intelligent unmanned emergency equipment that can cover all fields such as monitoring and early warning, emergency communication, emergency command, emergency material delivery, emergency transportation, fire fighting and rescue disposal.

Aiming at 10+ typical application environments, United Aircraft focuses on emergency communication, fire fighting, and delivery and rescue. Through the combination of safe, easy-to-use, and low-cost UAV flight platforms and ground measurement and control equipment, mission payloads, and complementary capabilities, it has created six UAV system solutions, forming five capabilities based on UAV rescue platforms, including emergency communication guarantee, patrol reconnaissance and command evacuation, emergency material delivery, fire fighting and rescue, and accident personnel search and rescue, which comprehensively improve the unmanned and intelligent emergency rescue system, and the efficiency and safety of service guarantee capabilities.

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